DIY Nail Art Tutorial: Indigo Blue x Gold

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indigo blue and gold nail art

One new year’s resolution I made to myself this year is to create more nail art for my blog so today I’m sharing the first DIY tutorial made with indigo blue and gold (I’m so proud of myself). My inspiration? Well..I was looking at Pottery Barn’s January catalog the other day which features its Spring 2014 collection. Inside they share their new color story: Indigo.

“Peaceful, comforting and orderly. That’s how many describe their favorite color: blue. The richest of them all, indigo blue, invites a deep sense of tranquility. The same shade as clear skies at nightfall, indigo captures our imagination. This season, we’ve re-imagined indigo in every space. From the living room to the bedroom, from the tabletop to the floor, we’ll show you how easy it is to decorate with our favorite blue and create a soothing scene this year.” -Pottery Barn (January 2014 catalog)

Blue just happens to be my favorite color so I was inspired to decorate my nails with this gorgeous, refined hue.

indigo blue and gold nail art

Supplies Used:

  1. Clear Nail Polish
  2. Formula X for Sephora in Orbit (purchase here)
  3. Maybelline Color Show Holographic in Bold Gold 45 (purchase here)
  4. Scotch tape
  5. Bobby pin
  6. Scissors

Step 1. Apply clear nail polish and let it dry completely.

Step 2. Apply the blue polish on all nails except the middle fingernail (paint that gold).

Step 3. Take a bobby pin and use the ends to add gold polka dots on the index fingernail.

Step 4. Cut small strips of scotch tape and apply on the last three nails to make gold geometric shapes and stripes (this is where you can get creative).

Step 5. Remove tape after nails are dry.

Step. 6. Use a q-tip dipped in nail polish remover to clean up the edges.

indigo blue and gold nail art

If you liked this tutorial, please share with friends. Thanks for reading! 😀

Source: Pottery Barn (Jan. 2014 catalog)

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