10 Goals Every Girl Boss Should Set For Herself

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goals for the girl boss

A major perk of being a girl boss is the thrill of setting and smashing your personal and professional goals. There is nothing quite like consistently leveling up. Of course, all goals are not quite the same as some are higher hanging fruit when compared to others. Below, we’ve put together 10 high-value goals for girl bosses like you. Cheers to your next level.

1. Actively Seek Out Like-Minded People

Being a girl boss is hard enough without having the negative energies, opinions, and limited mindset of others bringing you down. It is so important for us girl bosses to stick together or at least hang around those where the synergy is great. As a girl boss, when you seek out people who are entrepreneurial and vast in their thinking (like you), you will find yourself soaring much higher with a lot less effort.

For starters, you will have an amazing support group where what’s understood simply doesn’t need to be explained. As you begin to associate with those of like mind, you will become more inspired to continue pursuing your own goals and you will perhaps benefit from shared tips and tricks to help you get where you’re going. For the girl boss, there is simply nothing quite like finding your tribe.

Joining a few Facebook groups is a great place to start to find your tribe. There are so many out there, so to help narrow down your search, here’s a great list of groups I highly recommend you join. I’m in a few of them myself.

key to success quote

2. Have Good Credit

Credit is critical to the financial health of a girl boss. As such, it is important to take steps to improve your credit where needed or maintain your good credit where it already exists. Whether it is making arrangements to pay off your existing loans or managing your credit cards well, there are several options available to help you build good credit — whatever your circumstance may be right now. Of course, your best bet for getting your credit moving in the right direction is seeking out the advice and financial recommendations of a trained and certified financial advisor, consultant or coach.

3. Eliminate Debt

To say living with existing debt can be a nuisance is an understatement. Still, if you have any debt at all – whatever size or type – the fact is, you will need to begin handling it sooner rather than later.

4. Be Happy Alone

In today’s world where seeking attention and validation seems to be the modus operandi, it is all too easy for you to find yourself seeking validation from the things and people around you. When those expectations of validation and positive reinforcement aren’t met, one can quickly spiral down the rabbit hole of sadness, misery, and in some cases, mild depression. So how does a girl boss like yourself remedy this? She learns to go within.

Admittedly, it does feel counterintuitive to the world around you to practice tuning into your own intuition and letting that be your guide and source of happiness. Still, the fact is, the more you practice trusting yourself and valuing who you are at the deepest level of yourself, the better you are likely to be.

5. Remember What Truly Matters

Material success is great. After all, money and material comforts can contribute significantly to our quality of life. Still, material success is not all that is needed to have a high-quality life. In fact, we dare say that a true girl boss has all she needs materially and then some.

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After all, too often we’ve seen the lives of others who seem to have it all materially only to later find out that they lack joy, peace of mind, and true happiness. On the flip side, we’ve seen those who have far less materially report being happy, at peace, and having a higher quality of life. So, it’s safe to say that while material things are important and useful, perhaps it’s the things that money can’t buy that are the most valuable – like having peace of mind.

To live life like the girl boss you are aspiring to embody, be sure to take some time to care for your heart, mind, body, and spirit, as well as your finances and professional life. It’s all about balance. So, schedule your self-care like you do your work and commit to it.

girl boss goals

6. Find Tools to Streamline Your Processes

A large (and often overlooked) part of success lies in the processes we engage in as we run our business operations and life. Truth is, the smoother and more efficiently a process runs, the better the results we are likely to get. This is true regardless of the area of our life this speaks to. As such, one of the most critical goals for the girl boss is finding innovative ways to streamline processes.

Here are some tools that I use to keep my business running smoothly:

  • Freshbooks: Such a simplified system to manage my invoices, expenses and other finances.
  • Dropbox: I store and organize all my documents from pdfs to photos there.
  • Adobe Sign: makes it easy to send and prepare documents for e-signatures.
  • Evernote: I use it for note-taking at work. It really helps me keep track of all different content. Not only is it organized, but also easily accessible.
  • Paypal: Making payments and receiving payments is a breeze with this service.
  • Productivity Planner: I use it for weekly planning,  jot down to-do lists for the day to get more work done, and etc.

7. Make Time for Personal Growth & Learning

As cliché as it may sound, the old adage ‘there’s always room for improvement’ is still true today. No one is perfect. As such, no matter how amazing you are right now, you can slay even more if you commit to growing and becoming better. Self-help books are a great place to start, as well as joining personal growth groups, workshops, and even therapy sessions can help.

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Admittedly, most meaningful change won’t take place overnight. However, by taking the time to learn more about ourselves (such as our values, attitudes, strengths, weakness, deal-breakers, and more) we are taking the first steps to strengthen those parts of our persona that are already amazing while strengthening others. Best of all, as you improve in your personal life, all other areas of your life will also begin to flourish.

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8. Have an Internet Presence

This one goes without saying — you need an Internet presence if you are a girl boss who wants to continue growing her empire. In today’s tech-driven age, the only two types of businesses that exist are those that are online and those that are defunct. To ensure that you do not fall into the latter category, you can take some of the following steps to build a thriving online presence:

a. Build a website

Your website is your most valuable resource as a girl boss. This is because it is the digital hub for all your awesomeness. Your website can host a portfolio of your work and achievements, your expertise on industry relevant issues, and so much more – including your social media presence.

b. Get active on Social Media

Speaking of social media, your presence on social media platforms is perhaps your second most valuable resource on the world wide web. Take the time to look at the various social media platforms available, decide which ones are best suited for who you are and what you do, and then begin creating and loading your content to let the world know how awesome you are.

9. Live Healthily

The saying ‘health is wealth,’ is more than just a saying. Without your health, you are literally nothing. You will not be able to work, play, or otherwise live the way you want to or experience life at its fullest if you’re not in good health. As such, making the best lifestyle choices for your good health should always be one of the top goals for the girl boss.

Simple decisions such as:

  • Carrying a refillable water bottle throughout your day to help you meet the recommended daily water intake
  • Going for a brisk walk during lunch
  • Taking breaks from the computer
  • Going to bed at a decent hour
  • Joining a gym
  • Drinking less sugary drinks and sodas

….and opting for less processed foods and healthier, natural ones are all great options to get you living a healthier lifestyle. Best of all, these changes are so easy to integrate into your lifestyle that you are likely to keep them and build on them as these healthy habits become more a part of who you are.

10. Put a Price Tag on Your Time

Your work, talent and time are all valuable and the prices you charge should reflect the same. Too often we see girl bosses who simply don’t know their worth. Don’t let that be you. Instead of selling yourself short, take the time to look closely at prices within your industry for what you offer, look at what it costs you to produce the products, services, and content you provide, and then begin creating a pricing system that is fair to you. You and your business will be thankful you did.

There you have it! 10 awesome goals for the girl boss. Comment below and let us know which of these goals you use and how they are working out for you.


  1. I am a Makeup Artist that is an entrepreneur and I love what I do and growing in it. After consuming your blog in my mental…I feel that my future success (tomorrow…lol) will be better after acquiring your love in my spirit. Love your blog and keep spreading love and being Amazing.

  2. Loved reading this article. I struggle sometimes with the amount of time I give my business. Once I have an idea I can’t stop… Iam going to start giving each tasks a time frame and stop even if not finished pick it right back where I left it. Yep! Feeling better every word I am writtingat this very moment lol Alright good night (from Paris). Wendy

  3. All your tips are right-on, and #7 especially resonates with me. I am a life-longer learner and late bloomer. I’ve learned it’s never too late to blossom. Happy Holidays dear on and keep up the good work.

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