Post-Holiday: 5 Ways to Get Your Sparkle Back
Disclosure: This sponsored post is brought to you by Crest 3D White.
The holidays are officially over. You ate. You drank. You partied the night away. Now it’s back to reality and chances are you’re not looking as radiant as you did all those nights you were looking your brightest and cheeriest. You suddenly have lackluster skin, puffy eyes, stained teeth, poor sleeping habits, and probably gained a few pounds.
Need help getting your sparkle back? Here are my go-to tips for a post-holiday beauty detox.
1. Sparkling Smile
My holiday diet consisted of chocolate, lattes, and a whole lot of red wine, but indulging too much of them have stained my pearly whites. To get my sparkling smile back, I look to Crest 3D White Luxe Professional Effects Whitestrips. They can whiten teeth at home as well as a professional lights/laser whitening treatment and the results can last up to 12 months. I put on the Crest 3D White Luxe Professional Effects Whitestrips for 30 minutes each day and after three days, I started to see a glimpse of my old smile again and I should expect my full sparkle back after twenty days.
2. Make Over Your Diet
You’ve heard the saying, “You are what you eat!” It’s especially true when it comes to your skin. My fridge is stocked with foods that are not only good for my health but can also improve my complexion. Foods rich in essential fatty acids like salmon and antioxidant-packed fruits like berries (I love adding them in my morning smoothies) are a known secret to healthier glowing skin. To get your sparkle back, ditch the food that leave you feeling yucky and invest in nutritious foods that will keep the blemishes and the extra pounds away. In no time, you’ll be looking at yourself in the mirror smiling and feeling confident again.
3. Get Better Sleep
Sleep is a necessity to help my body and skin recover from the holiday craziness. During the holidays, I tend to stay up a little later and now that it’s over, getting back to my normal sleeping pattern has been difficult. I’m glad the holidays are over because I missed the nights where I sleep like a baby and wake up with the brightest smile the next morning. To catch up on my zzz’s, I start by winding down with some chill music 30 minutes before bed. This helps me have a clear mind so I can drift off to sleep with ease. A super-soft eye mask also helps me get to sleep faster and stay asleep.
4. De-Puff
After a night of cocktails and salty appetizers, I just hate waking up to puffy eyes. They make me look extra-tired and un-refreshed. A cold-compress helps with the swelling sometimes as well as a soaking chilled green tea bag. Eye gel pads are also a wonderful way to feel refreshed and decrease puffiness after a long night. Once my eyes are back to prime shape, suddenly my face turns from a scowl to a smile.
5. Stay Moisturized & Hydrated
Moisturizing more is really important especially during the winter months. Moisturize with a thick cream or lotion and apply while the skin is still damp so it absorbs better and trap in the moisture. It doesn’t hurt to keep a small bottle on you when you’re heading to work or leaving the house. I always do because you never know when dryness is going to hit throughout the day. While you’re moisturizing on the outside, don’t forget about the inside. Stay hydrated by drinking lots of water! Nothing goes better than a bright white smile and fresh, soft skin.
READ: 5 Ways To Glowing Winter Skin
To learn more about Crest 3D White Luxe Professional Effects Whitestrips, head to the website.
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How have you tried to get your sparkle back after the holiday madness?
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