How to Get Curly Hair For Beginners

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Image Credit: “Kelly Rowland 1” by “Courtesy of Jamey Howard”Kelly Rowland. Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons.

There are many ways to learn how to get curly hair and look fabulous. There are artificial means that will give you those curls you have always wanted. If your hair is straight, you can still get bouncy and cascading curls without perms or using harmful chemicals. Check out these 6 tips beginners can do that will show you how to get curly hair the right way.

1. The way to get curly hair is by washing and conditioning your hair before bedtime. Spray gel to your damp hair. Put sponge rollers on it afterwards. To achieve bigger curls, use large rollers. For smaller and tighter curls, use smaller rollers. The following morning, you will receive the kind of curls you have always wanted.

2. Buy bendable sticks as these give you curls that look unbelievably natural. The first thing to do is partition your hair into small sections. Get a bendable stick and place it at the middle of one portion of the divided hair. Whirl your hair around the stick until it reaches the scalp. Twirl the stick’s ends towards each other so that it will be in place.

3. Another way to get curly hair is to split your hair into several parts. Afterwards, divide each part into tinier parts. Braid each part and roll them to your scalp. Put them into place using a hairpin. Do this at night before going to bed. The following morning, unbraid your hair. You will see curls that look so natural.

4. You can also utilize stream rollers when you wake up in the morning. Put these rollers on your hair first for a quarter of an hour. You will then have curly hair that look natural.

5.  Don’t just use shampoos that say they can curl hair. You should combine them with

one of the tips mentioned above and with hair products that can keep the curls intact. Suggestion: Herbal Essences Tousle Me Softly, $3.99

6. You can get a perm but this can damage your hair eventually. If you are the type of person who does not have time to fix hair every day, a perm is necessary for you then. If your hair is strong enough to bear chemicals, then you can get one. However, people are usually discouraged from this.

It is necessary to also care for curly hair by taking it to an expert. The stylist would be able to know what will look good on you and how to protect your hair. He can also recommend the type of curly hair products that are safe to place on hair. Nothing beats going to a professional hairstylist.

Knowing how to get curly hair will make you experiment with the different types of hairstyle that will look good on you.



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